
September 3, 2012

Cardamom Sweet Rolls

A light and fluffy, fragrant and delicious sweet roll, with the delightful scent of both cinnamon and cardamom. Plus, they’re really adorable!

Cardamom Sweet Rolls
1 packet dry yeast
½ cup milk, around 105 degrees Farenheit (watch the temperature or you may kill the yeast!)
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon cardamom
2 ½ tablespoons soft butter
½ teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 cups flour (I used half bread flour)

1 ½ to 2 tablespoons soft butter
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon cardamom

Recipe developed from eat, live, run 

Dissolve the yeast in the milk with a few tablespoons of the sugar. Set aside for about 5 to 10 minutes while you get the rest of the dough ready. This is called proofing the yeast, which ensures that you’ll have adequate rising power. It should bubble up several inches.

In a large bowl, combine the rest of the sugar, cardamom, butter, salt, and egg.  Add the proofed yeast. Start adding the flour about ½ cup at a time, stirring until it’s incorporated each time. Towards the end, you can start kneading the flour in until a dough that doesn’t stick to your hands forms. Knead for about 5 to 10 minutes.  You’ll end up with a smooth and elastic dough ball.

Lightly butter the dough ball and let it rise in the big bowl for two hours in a warm place. It should double in size!

Punch the dough down and roll it out with a rolling pin into a large rectangle. Mine ended up being about 12 x 14 inches.  Smear the butter evenly over the rectangle.  Combine the rest of the filling ingredients and sprinkle evenly over the butter-covered rectangle.

Roll the rectangle up, and cut into 1 inch slices with a sharp knife. Place on a well floured baking sheet.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 350 F.

You could put a little glaze or frosting on them, or enjoy as they are. They are especially delicious warm from the oven. Enjoy! 
