
November 4, 2012

The Wedding Cupcakes

Things have been a little busy lately so the baking has been a little slow...but, I realized that I had not yet shared the final product of the wedding cupcakes that we had been working on over the past few months so here they are!

These cupcakes as you may remember, are the Dulce de leche Cupcakes  & 
Raspberry Ganache Chocolate Cupcakes.

My best friend and I got up super early to frost these babies that morning.  For me, the cupcakes were the star of the show!

The photos are taken by the most amazing photographer couple at:

(go check them out!)

The cupcake stand was custom made to fit just the right amount of cupcakes and go with the color theme of red. They even made some holes at the top so that I could stuff some of the gerber daisies into the stand!

Hope you guys enjoy the pretty pictures!! Thank you hotmetalstudios!


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