
January 13, 2013


I recently bought a surplus of lemons, so I thought I would share two of my favorite lemon desserts!

Lemon Bars
These quintessential lemon bars are even prettier, and just as delicious, when made in a tart pan! And surprisingly simple to make.

Recipe from Betty Crocker 

1 cup all purpose
½ cup (1 stick) butter, softened
¼ cup powdered sugar

2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
Lemon peel grated, from 1 lemon
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt

Mix the crust ingredients together (I use my hands) until crumbly. Press into an ungreased 8 or 9 inch square baking dish, or a tart pan if you have it.

Beat the filling ingredients together until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes with an electric mixer. Or you can use a whisk and do it by hand if you want an added arm workout.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes.

Cut into pieces and enjoy!

Lemon Sponge Pudding
These little cups are unlike any other dessert I’ve made. While they bake, a layer of tart lemon pudding forms on the bottom, and a spongy meringue like layer rises to the top…amazing!

Recipe developed from Martha Stewart 

3 tablespoons butter, softened
2/3 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs, separated
3 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 cup milk (can be skin through whole milk)
6 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (you’ll need 2 or 3 lemons)
2 tablespoons lemon zest (I used the zest of 2 lemons)

In a medium to large bowl, beat just the egg whites with an electric mixture until stiff peaks form. Do this step first so you’ll have clean, ungreasy beaters (any trace of butter or yolk on the beaters will interfere with fluffy egg whites!).

In another medium to large bowl, beat together the butter and sugar. Add the egg yolks and flour. Stir in the milk, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons zest.

Take the beaten eggs whites and fold them into the lemon yolk mixture. You’ll get an essentially homogenous mixture. Ladle this into 8 to 12 ramekins (so cute!).

Place the ramekins in a roasting dish, and pour boiling water up to about half the up the sides of the ramekins. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 25 minutes.

Remove ramekins from pan and cool. Enjoy!



  1. I love anything that uses ramekins!

    1. me too! i'll have to look for more recipes :)

  2. The only sad thing about this post is that you don't live close enough to have us taste-test anymore! :( These look delicious and adorable!

  3. Also, I'm not sure why it thinks I posted at 4am. For the record, it is 7am!

    1. haha well i'm glad to know that you're not up at 4 am...7 am is a much more respectable hour
